Monday, June 2, 2014


A beautiful film.  Really captures the bitter-sweetness of love.  With all the ups and downs, in the end it is all about not being alone.  A must see for romantics and the lovesick.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Radkey Shoot: Feed My Brain

Had a great time making this video with Outpost Worldwide.  Thanks goes out to Chris Durr for getting me involved and the entire core crew for doing such a great job.  Thank you Taylor Wallace, Cyan Meeks, Evan Wunsch, and Cory Hinesley--you have all leveled up.

I cannot forget our lead actors Annie Cherry and Damian Blake.  Their great ability helped us make our days time and again.

Last but not least, my final thanks also goes out to the band, all the extras, and our interns that were good sports--letting us cover them with makeup and run them through the ringer.

From the little footage I've seen I can tell it was all worth it.

It doesn't look like it from here, but that man is half tree.

Getting crazy with shapes.

Really cool scene in Seer's Tent.

Nobody could resist givin' the monitor some love.

The Torso's main scene.

Yes, we created our own forest.

 Loved those trees.

The Wonky Hallway.

We all got a little crazy in the 14th hour.


Thank you Jimmy Johns for being "freaky fast" even though I don't like your food--everyone else really appreciated it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Radkey: All Nighter

Taylor Wallace, burning the midnight oil.

We spent most of the night painting the backdrop of the circus tent.

A bad a photo, but you get the idea.

My basement is starting to fill with rockers and spare parts.

My backyard is half drop cloth, half construction site.

Frames for the "wonky tunnel"

Frame for one of the rolling hills

Taylor and Lydia measuring and cutting

A bit of the final power tool action before we shifted gears to painting for the night.

All in all, a very productive day.  Art Director Cory Hinesley and Carpenter Taylor Wallace were able to rough in several of our main set pieces with the help of UMKC Intern Stacey Branson and friend/wife of mine Lydia DeMonte.

I showed up after a days work elsewhere to help move stuff around and paint backdrops.  Others had great photos of the action--maybe I'll steal/share them if they ever make it up to Facebook.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Radkey Music Video: Under Construction

Today we finished all our rockers for the rocking platform we're creating for the latest Radkey music video, Feed My Brain.  We've got at least a dozen sets on the way with only five days left before principle production begins.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

RADKEY: Prepro

Recently started preproduction on a new project with Chris Durr at Outpost Worldwide.  We're making a music video for the band Radkey and their newest single Feed My Brain.  The art direction will be based on Film Noir and German Expressionism with a special emphasis on The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.  So far I've collected many supplies for free over craigslist and started to track down volunteers.  Everything seems to be on track.  Production starts April 26th.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

KC Film Connect

 The new Greater Kansas City Film Commission board put on a great networking mixer.  The place sold out.  Several people had to stand beyond a rope by a window and wait for people to leave before they could get in.

I spoke as the president of Student Film League calling for mentors, opportunities for students, and students from other schools to join our group.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Photo Shoot

I annoyed my wife until she laughed = better headshots for her upcoming show in September

Monday, February 3, 2014

Picture Wrap in the Woods

Jeremy got a little kooky at the end of the night wearing character wardrobe.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Rock Quarry Hell: Architects Music Video

So, we spent 48 hours in a rock quarry in Kansas to produce this great rockabilly, b-movie, shoot-em-up type western music video for the band The Architects.  I don't know the details of why things fell through with the final product, but I know we had some awesome shots.

Photo by Cory Hinesley

I was just reflecting back on this project and found some left over shots in my phone from that rough weekend.  The wind never stopped for a single second while we were there.  Taylor Wallace was the star, he kicked a lot of ass.  As did awesome stunt driver and friend Dusty Rhodes.  The guy pulled off some awesome spin outs before the transmission fell out of his SUV.  Gonna try to get some clips to share at some point.

A shot I took while testing the molotov cocktails.  The cracks in the ground added an awesome texture to the flame.  However, the friggin never ending wind didn't allow the flames to rise high enough to pull off the shot we needed.

Testing a weak blank the night before the shoot began.